​                NEXT MEETING

​          Note Location and Date Change

             Membership Meeting

      Wednesday February 26 2025

          City of Irving City Hall 3rd Floor

              825 W. Irving Blvd, Irving Texas

                      Lunch/Networking 11:30 am

                      Meeting begins at 12:00










Website Questions or Comments Contact:




                                                    Virtual Link: for Next Meeting





Texas Municipal League

International Code Council

​Also Check Our Job Opportunities Page Link Above

                Visit Our Links Above

Link to ICC Learn Live website



​                        ​ICC Govt Relations Monthly Update From Rick Bluntzer:

·       Here is your Link to the November edition of the ICC Government Relations Monthly Update. and l
atest news: GR Monthly Update:  ​GR Monthly Update - ICC (iccsafe.org)​________________________________________________________________________________

                                               EDUCATION OPPORTUNITIES:

     At our February meeting we are pleased to welcome Rick Durham, Vice-President of Growth Operations at Exterior Inspections, who will provide an in-depth training on Weather-Resistive Barriers (WRBs) and Flashings. His presentation will focus on the critical role of WRBs and flashings in preventing water intrusion, common failures in new and existing structures, best practices for installation, and key code compliance considerations.
This is a must-attend session for inspectors, plan reviewers, and industry professionals looking to enhance their understanding of effective moisture management in the built environment.
We encourage all members to attend in person or via Zoom. If you have any questions or need further details, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Looking forward to seeing you all on the 19th!

Best regards,

Your NTC ICC Board of Directors,                                  

·                                     _______________________________________________________________________________                                 ***** CALL FOR NOMINATIONS/APPLICATIONS*****   

The North Texas Chapter of the International Code Council (NTCICC) is excited to announce open applications for two vital roles: Treasurer and At-Large Officer. The At-Large Officer position is a newly added role, designed to bring additional perspectives and broaden our representation across the building code community. These positions offer an opportunity to contribute to our Chapter’s mission of supporting safe, efficient building practices through shared knowledge and consistent code enforcement.
By joining our leadership team, you’ll help us advance uniformity in building regulations, encourage professional development, and foster collaboration across the building industry. Our Chapter remains committed to promoting high standards for building safety and code enforcement, and we continue to work closely with esteemed partners such as the International Code Council, the Building Professionals Institute, the Building Officials Association of Texas, and the North Central Texas Council of Governments.

 We invite interested members to apply (application is attached) by December 9, 2024. Thank you for your dedication to our shared goals, and we look forward to welcoming new voices to our leadership team!                                



President's Message


The Learn Live series relaunched in its new format!

ICC Learn Live!  Need CEU's, ICC has many classes to choose from.  Click on the ICC button to the left.

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